Behaviour change isn’t a one-and-done process. It needs support.

Behaviour change isn’t a one-and-done process. It needs support.


Written by Lauren Alys Kelly


As a designer, you know the significance of understanding and influencing human behaviour. But how do you tussle your ideas so that they reach their full potential and actually change behaviour… long term?

Behavior Change is Design's Secret Weapon

Design is all about crafting meaningful experiences that resonate with users' needs and desires. By harnessing behaviour change principles, designers can create products or services that nudge users to adopt new behaviours, change what people do, ditch old habits, and ultimately elevate their lives. I’d say behaviour change is the magic ingredient that can set your design apart, driving user satisfaction sky-high and making some real world impact.

Cracking the Code Of Scaling Behaviour Change

Scaling behaviour change ideas is like solving a complex puzzle. It means tackling challenges such as adapting to diverse markets, social contexts, and user preferences. The psychology behind behaviour change adds another twist, as different people and groups react differently to the same idea, product, or service. To scale behaviour change ideas successfully, designers must be both agile and strategic.

Turbocharged Strategies for Scaling Behavior Change Ideas

So that are current strategies, tools that we can use to support the early steps of behaviour change?

  • Pilot programs: Test your idea in a small, controlled setting before going big to pinpoint potential issues, fine-tune your strategy, and win over stakeholders. If a pilot study isn't doable, explore alternative testing methods or lean on case studies and existing research to back up your idea.

  • Phased rollouts: Launch your idea in stages, refining it at each step, ensuring its effectiveness before scaling up.

  • Customise ideas for different contexts: Modify your idea to align with local cultural or regulatory norms and the unique needs and preferences of your target audience. This could involve tweaking the messaging, revamping the user interface, or even reimagining the core concept.

  • Measure and evaluate: Employ techniques like A/B testing or other experimental methods to assess your idea's impact as it scales. Continuously evaluate its effectiveness and make any necessary fine-tuning.

  • Communicate and engage with stakeholders: Keep stakeholders in the loop and engaged through various channels. Their support and buy-in are essential for your idea's triumph.

  • Provide resources and support: Ensure smooth implementation by offering training, coaching, or resources like tools and materials to facilitate the process.

  • Seek feedback and make adjustments: Regularly collect feedback from stakeholders and users to spot any issues or challenges, and be ready to tweak your idea as needed.

The Long Arm of Supporting Behavior Change

The journey of scaling behaviour change ideas doesn't stop at implementation. To guarantee long-term success, designers must embrace a culture of experimentation, testing, and monitoring. Regularly tracking your idea's performance empowers you to make data-driven decisions, refine your strategy, and continue to adapt as user needs and market conditions evolve.

Tough talk… this is one of the hardest things to get right. It is usually at odds with the pace of the modern design team. And being right at the end of the process both budget and energy is spent. So, when faced with difficultly we - at Behav - usually create a new tool. So we created a measuring and monitoring canvas called The Theory Of Behaviour Change. More on how to use it soon… I imagine it’ll be the focus of one of our upcoming courses.

Embracing the Future

Scaling behavior change ideas is a demanding yet gratifying journey. By understanding the intricacies involved, employing the strategies shared above, and committing to ongoing experimentation and adaptation, you'll be well-equipped to create and scale ideas that leave a lasting impact.

Remember, as a designer, you have the power to change the world—one behavior at a time. So, seize the potential of behavior change and watch your ideas skyrocket.

Keep in mind

Designing with behavior change in mind is a powerful approach that can lead to meaningful, long-lasting transformations in people's lives. By understanding the unique challenges that come with scaling behavior change ideas and employing the strategies we've discussed, you'll be better equipped to create products and services that resonate with users and drive sustainable growth.

As you venture into the world of behavior change, remember to remain curious, adaptable, and committed to the idea that your designs can make a real difference. Embrace the potential of behavior change, and never underestimate the impact your work can have on the world.

With the right mindset, determination, and a solid understanding of the principles and strategies required for scaling, you have the power to create transformative experiences that not only satisfy your users but also leave a lasting, positive impact on their lives.


What is Behaviour Thinking?


Why things go wrong and how to mitigate them.