What is Behaviour Thinking?

Behaviour Thinking: What it is, isn’t and how it’ll revolutionise your work.


Written by Lauren Alys Kelly


In an ever-evolving world, designers and businesses are continually seeking ways to create meaningful, lasting connections with their users. One emerging approach that promises to revolutionise the design and business landscape is Behaviour Thinking®, an approach that blends design principles with insights from psychology, social psychology, behavioural economics and anthropology.

The growing need for a behaviour-focused approach

In our fast-paced world, designers and businesses crave meaningful connections with users. Behaviour Thinking, an exciting blend of design, psychology, and behavioural economics, can revolutionise these connections.

As the world grows increasingly complex, understanding the motivations driving human behaviour is vital. Designing with these behaviours in mind results in engaging, effective user experiences that benefit everyone.

Behaviour Thinking offers an innovative approach that equips designers and businesses to craft solutions rooted in a profound understanding of human behaviour. Drawing on psychology and behavioural economics, this mindset enables informed decision-making and the development of products and services that genuinely connect with users.

Behaviour Thinking: what it is and why it’s useful.

Behaviour Thinking is a multidisciplinary approach to deciphering human behaviour. This unique fusion of design, psychology, and behavioural economics provides designers and businesses with the tools to engage, motivate, and influence users.

Bridging the gap between design and human behaviour, Behaviour Thinking harnesses insights from psychology and behavioural economics to create experiences that cater to users' needs and preferences, leading to more effective and captivating solutions.

Empowering designers

Behaviour Thinking offers designers a robust toolkit for comprehending the intricacies of human behaviour, allowing them to make informed decisions and design products, services, and experiences that resonate with users.

By concentrating on users' underlying motivations and cognitive biases, Behaviour Thinking enables designers to craft experiences that are not only visually pleasing but also deeply engaging and successful in driving desired outcomes.

The impact of Behaviour Thinking on business growth

Adopting Behaviour Thinking fuels business growth by crafting more effective and engaging user experiences. Gaining insight into users' behavioural drivers promotes loyalty, retention, and elevates the bottom line.

Addressing the Behaviour Gap

Overcoming challenges in designing for behaviour

Navigating the complexities of human behaviour presents obstacles for designers and businesses crafting compelling user experiences. Without comprehending users' motivations and cognitive biases, predicting and managing behaviour effectively becomes daunting.

Uncovering the driving forces behind behavior

Behaviour Thinking bridges the gap by shedding light on factors influencing all our behaviour. Equipped with this knowledge, designers can develop experiences tailored to users' needs and preferences, leading to more captivating and efficient solutions.

Harnessing the power of Behaviour Thinking enables designers and businesses to anticipate and sway user behaviour. This insight paves the way for products, services, and experiences that genuinely resonate with users, achieving desired outcomes, and nurturing lasting relationships.

Decoding behavioural drivers

Picture yourself designing a service, striving to understand why users would choose it over competitors. How can you tap into their decision-making process for a captivating experience? Behaviour Thinking helps dissect intricate human behaviour into essential components like cognitive processes, emotions, and social influences.

By stepping into users' shoes and their minds, we can grasp their drivers and influences while engaging with your design. Unraveling these behavioural drivers reveals the role context plays in moulding behavior, clarifying users' motivations behind their actions or inactions.

Merging design and behavioural science

As a designer, you excel at crafting visually pleasing, user-friendly experiences. By fusing design principles with behavioral science's evidence-based techniques, you can access a powerful approach that transcends aesthetics and delves into users' core drivers.

Incorporating behaviour change principles empowers you to create designs that not only dazzle but also psychologically resonate with users. With this influence comes responsibility – it's vital to weigh the ethical implications and prioritise users' best interests.

The Perks of Behaviour Thinking

Personal Level

Sharper decision-making and problem-solving

Grasping human behaviour's underlying drivers enables more informed design decisions, enhanced problem-solving, and impactful outcomes. A scientific backed why is powerful at any table.

Deeper empathy and comprehension of user needs

Immersing yourself in Behaviour Thinking cultivates a profound empathy for users, fostering a better understanding of their needs, preferences, and motivations – leading to behaviour-centric designs.

Organisational Level

Strategies for growth and innovation amplified

Embracing Behaviour Thinking enables businesses and organisations to devise growth and innovation strategies. By grasping users' behavioural drivers, firms can develop products and services that genuinely resonate with their audience, spurring growth and innovation.

Synchronising business goals and user behaviour

Behaviour Thinking facilitates alignment between your business goals and user behaviour, ensuring products and services cater to users' genuine needs and preferences. This harmony boosts user satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, business success.

Team Level

Cultivating collaboration and user-centricity

Adopting Behaviour Thinking fosters a collaborative atmosphere that centres on the user during the design process. A shared commitment to understanding user behaviour helps dismantle silos and nurtures cross-functional collaboration, yielding stronger outcomes.

Unifying behavioural principles understanding

By integrating Behaviour Thinking, team members acquire a shared language and comprehension of behavioural principles. This commonality bolsters communication and goal alignment, culminating in cohesive and impactful designs. If everyone on your team thinks a little bit more behaviourally, it changes how they understand themselves, hum as a team and strengthen each decision they make.

Delivery Level

Stronger user adoption and satisfaction

Informed by Behaviour Thinking, products and services resonate with users, leading to heightened adoption rates and enhanced user satisfaction. This success translates to increased brand loyalty and long-term business prosperity.

Minimising friction in user experiences

Behaviour Thinking aids in pinpointing and eradicating friction points within people’s behavioural journey. Looking to their immediate user journey and wider world. By comprehending and addressing behavioural drivers, designers can craft more intuitive, seamless experiences, diminishing user frustration and elevating overall satisfaction.

Enhancing Design and Business Outcomes with Behaviour Thinking

In the ever-evolving design and business landscape, innovation often centres on aesthetics and functionality. While these factors are vital, comprehending user behaviour is essential for crafting effective solutions that genuinely address the way users think and act.

Enter Behaviour Thinking – a comprehensive approach that adds to traditional design and business approaches. Fostering collaboration, adaptability, and an active focus on behaviour change.

A Fresh Focus on User and Org Behaviour

Traditional design and business methods tend to emphasise visual allure and practical aspects, occasionally neglecting the importance of understanding user behaviour. Behaviour Thinking provides an alternative, concentrating on deciphering the intricate factors influencing user actions. By integrating insights from diverse fields such as psychology, social psychology, and behavioural economics, this all-encompassing approach lays the foundation for more effective, user-centric solutions.

Encouraging Interdisciplinary

A drawback of conventional approaches is limited interdisciplinary collaboration, leading to a narrow understanding of factors affecting people’s behaviour. Behaviour Thinking appreciates the value of cross-discipline teamwork, dismantling silos and promoting collaboration. This cooperative environment enables teams to exchange knowledge and expertise, resulting in a broader understanding of user behaviour and ultimately, more powerful design outcomes. Behaviour is often the thread between all departments. Where each has a role in forming and changing other people’s behaviour.

Adaptability in Problem-Solving

Inflexibility in problem-solving can impede the ability to identify and tackle complex, context-specific factors driving user behaviour. Behaviour Thinking champions a versatile mindset that adjusts to diverse design and business contexts. By tailoring principles to each unique scenario, designers can develop solutions that effectively confront specific behavioural challenges, yielding more successful outcomes.

Prioritising Behaviour Change

Traditional methods may undervalue behaviour change's significance in achieving desired results, often fixating on providing information or incentives to users. Behaviour Thinking recognises behaviour change's critical role in attaining objectives. By focusing on subtle factors influencing decision-making and behaviour, designers and businesses can create solutions that effectively encourage positive behaviour change, leading to increased user adoption, satisfaction, and long-term achievement.

The Pillars of Behaviour Thinking

Decoding Human Behaviour

Embark on a captivating journey through the realm of human behaviour with Behaviour Thinking, as we delve into the intricacies of cognitive biases and heuristics. These mental shortcuts shape decision-making, presenting opportunities for designers and businesses to grasp the influence of emotions and motivation on user actions.

Behavioural Context

Acknowledging the powerful impact of our surroundings, Behaviour Thinking explores physical, social, and cultural factors moulding behaviour. Crafting designs for diverse environments demands empathy, taking into account the unique contexts and experiences of users to forge solutions that truly resonate.

Mastering Behaviour Change Patterns

Armed with a treasure trove of behaviour change and drive patterns, Behaviour Thinking utilises nudging, choice architecture, and persuasive design to subtly steer users towards positive actions. It's vital, however, to balance this power with ethical considerations, respecting users' autonomy and well-being.

Assessing Behavioural Impact

Championing quantitative and qualitative assessment methods, Behaviour Thinking measures behavioural impact with precision. By setting behavioural goals and KPIs, we can gauge the effectiveness of interventions and refine our strategies, much like an artist perfecting their masterpiece. Behaviour change requires a new metric - Behaviour Thinking provides new options to add to your stack.

Pioneering Behavioural Design and Innovation

Infusing Behaviour Thinking into the design process unlocks the door to innovation through user-centric insights. This method empowers designers to craft groundbreaking solutions that captivate users and leave a lasting impression on their lives.

Behavioural Strategy for Business Success

The final cornerstone of Behaviour Thinking is constructing a resilient behavioural strategy for businesses. This approach aligns business objectives with user behaviour, propelling growth and innovation. By adopting Behaviour Thinking, businesses can navigate ever-changing markets, secure a competitive advantage, and ensure their enduring success in a dynamic world.

Behavioural Strategy for Businesses

Mastering Business Objectives with User Behaviour Insights

Unlock the secret formula for success by harmoniously aligning business objectives with a deep understanding of user behaviour. Behaviour Thinking bridges this gap, integrating insights into strategic planning, ensuring products and services genuinely cater to users' needs and desires.

Infusing Behaviour Change Principles into Strategic Planning

Imagine intertwining behaviour change principles into your strategic planning, forging a powerful connection between business goals and user motivations. Behaviour Thinking makes this a reality, enabling companies to devise strategies that deeply resonate with users, boosting engagement and cultivating lasting relationships.

Collaboration and Communication

Cultivating Interdisciplinary Teamwork and Knowledge Sharing

Envision designers, psychologists, and economists uniting to forge groundbreaking solutions. Behaviour Thinking fosters interdisciplinary teamwork, dismantling barriers and igniting dynamic collaborations that propel superior design outcomes. Sharing knowledge and expertise empowers teams to unleash Behaviour Thinking's full potential, leaving a lasting impact on users.

Conveying Behavioural Insights to Stakeholders

Imagine stakeholders in awe of your design, curious about how you captured user behaviour so flawlessly. Behaviour Thinking arms you with the tools to effectively communicate insights, ensuring stakeholders grasp the reasoning behind design choices and their potent impact on user experience.

Ethics and Responsibility

Guaranteeing Ethical Application of Behaviour Thinking

Power demands responsibility. As you delve into Behaviour Thinking, prioritise its ethical application. By assessing potential consequences and championing user well-being, you'll create responsible solutions that empower users while achieving desired outcomes.

Balancing User Autonomy with Desired Outcomes

How can you master the art of guiding user behaviour while respecting their autonomy? Behaviour Thinking navigates this intricate balance, allowing designers and businesses to create experiences that promote positive behaviour change without sacrificing users' freedom of choice.

Explore the Behaviour Thinking Intensive at the Behav Campus.

Immerse yourself in Behaviour Thinking's world with our transformative learning experience at Behav. Tailored for designers and business professionals, our courses delve into this groundbreaking approach, featuring hands-on workshops and sessions led by industry experts.


Why connections matter in behaviour change.


Behaviour change isn’t a one-and-done process. It needs support.