How The Drive Grid™ Works

Decoding complexity,
Unveiling influence

When you're trying to innovate, drive change, or strategise within your organisation, one crucial element often gets lost in the shuffle: understanding and influencing human behaviour. It's complex and often seems unpredictable, but that's where The Drive Grid™ steps in, offering you a structured approach to decode and shape behaviour.

Advantages of The Drive Grid™

In a market saturated with tools and frameworks, why choose The Drive Grid™? There are a few compelling reasons:

  1. Rooted in Behavioural Science: The Drive Grid™ isn't just another buzzword-filled business tool. It's rooted in the scientific study of human behaviour.

  2. Practical Application: It's not just theoretical. It offers teams a practical way to influence behaviour effectively, giving you a way to put the insights into action.

  3. Handling of Nuance: It recognises that human behaviour is nuanced and complex. It provides a structured way to navigate this complexity, helping teams tailor their strategies for influencing behaviour.

  4. Time and Resource Efficiency: It respects the reality of time and resource constraints in the design world, offering a quick, intuitive way to understand and shape behaviour.

An Intersection of Science and Practicality

Rooted in extensive behavioural science research, The Drive Grid™ is not just an academic exercise. It comes from both the science and design world. It's a practical tool designed to apply theoretical knowledge into real-world contexts. It distills a rich pool of behavioural science into an intuitive, easy-to-use framework. This combination of academic rigour and practical utility is one of its key advantages.

A Tool for the Time-Strapped Professional

In our fast-paced business world, time is always of the essence. The Drive Grid™ respects this reality. It's designed to help teams identify and understand key behavioural drivers quickly and efficiently. You don't need a Ph.D. in behavioural science to use The Drive Grid™ - its user-friendly design ensures easy and quick uptake by teams across various disciplines.

Handling Complexity with Grace

The Drive Grid™ excels in its handling of complexity. From global projects to organisational change initiatives, the intricacies of human behaviour often pose formidable challenges. Cultural nuances, individual motivations, and group dynamics play a significant role in shaping behaviour. The Drive Grid™ rises to the challenge, simplifying this complexity into three categories of behavioural drivers: individual (Me), social group (We), and context (Oversee). Each driver is further dissected into 24 Drive Patterns, enabling a rich, nuanced understanding of complex behaviours.

Let's imagine you're a designer working on a product that targets a global market. The Drive Grid™ helps you understand not just individual motivations but also how social dynamics and cultural context might impact your product's adoption. Such insights can be the difference to a product's success.

The Drive Grid™ isn't just a tool; it's a catalyst for behavioural success. It equips you with a robust, efficient, and effective way to understand and influence behaviour. By leveraging behavioural science for practical application, it empowers businesses, designers, and innovators with a powerful weapon to drive success.

Understanding behaviour is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity in our interconnected, rapidly evolving world. With The Drive Grid™, you're not just surviving this complex landscape; you're thriving in it.

Dig further into The Drive Grid

Meet The Drive Grid

The master framework behind reliable behaviours

Why choose The Drive Grid

Unveiling the power of behaviour

The Making of The Drive Grid

Simplifying and structuring behaviour

The Drive Grid Components

Uncovering the nine behavioural drivers